Written By Dannone Ravenel

A father’s love is one of a kind.
He’s always there like yours and mine.
He teaches you by words and deeds.
And cares for your physical, mental, and spiritual needs.

You taught me how to be a man.
To show love, respect and kindness, whenever I can.

We know you’re in Jah’s memory.
Soon you’ll be living the real life with your Dee,
for all eternity.

You loved your wife with all your heart.
She loved you, too, from the very start.
A love like yours is hard to find.
It’s genuine, compassionate, unselfish, and kind.

You and mom raised two industrious boys.
Then along came your precious Joy.

We love and miss you every day.
We cannot wait to reunite and play.
Your favorite games you loved so much.
To embrace you and feel your tender touch.

You’re only resting for a little while.
We look forward to seeing your beautiful smile.

We can’t wait to see you again,
in paradise you’ll have so many family and friends.
In God’s new world so close at hand,
when he’ll satisfy the desire of every human.

Although you fell asleep in death,
we know it’s not your final breath.
A father’s love is like no other.
It’s just as genuine as our loving mother.